Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh Victoria...

This is what I have been sewing lately...
It is the start of a Oh, Fransson quilt for a very close friends baby, due in 6 weeks. No I don't know what the gender is yet! Big risk.

This weekend was spent in Dromana, Victoria. Oh what a beautiful place
This photo was taken this morning. It was very hot yesterday, +40c. We went strawberry picking and my fridge us busting open from all the blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
My country is burning, the current deaths is 65. Every time there is a update on the TV, I start to get tears in my eyes and have to walk away. My friend is currently at her parents house fighting to save their home, we were going to go out there to help but the roads are now blocked off from the fires. While we sit and watch the coverage on the news, peoples home a lost and there is nothing we can do.

Back to watch the news coverage.



Helen said...

Feeling just as helpless here in perth, watching the awful tradegy in the news and feeling helpless.
:( Love the start of your quilt.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

All of Australia are thinking of you Victorians at this tragic time. Your new quilt is coming along beautifully - loe the colurs you are using.

Jodie said...

The quilt is looking great, perfect for either gender... My thoughts are with all of you poor victorians during this tragic time..

Take Care